June Promotion Celebration

It simply is NOT possible,
your brain says,
but it is true!
With summer-like weather, it seems that Orientation was just weeks ago;
BUT now it’s time for graduation.
June Promotion Celebration, June 10; 7:00 p.m.
The APS June Promotion Celebration will be held at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch
Please put it on your calendar. You want to be in town for this! It is our biggest event of the year. We often have visitors who are not sure what to expect about this home school thing. They always leave pleasantly surprised; some are downright amazed.
Technically, this is our mandatory 4th Quarter Workshop.
In addition to turning in grade sheets and attendance sheets for all students, we will use the evening to individually recognize each student on stage and display a sample of some of their talents. YOUR KIDS will be up on stage.

If you or your student(s) have talent you would like to highlight, please contact the APS office, very soon.
We love to showcase the talents of APS performers.
We will also have limited space for Seniors to set-up their display boards. Seniors will have table space at the church on which to place their Senior Displays.

All Senior Displays need to be set-up on Friday evening by 6:00pm.
Display space is limited. We need everyone’s cooperation to make sure that fire codes and safe exits are maintained.
Set-up of Senior Displays will be Friday night 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm ONLY.
Parent's this is your job because your seniors will have been checked-in no later than 5:00 pm.
To help your children enjoy the Promotion Celebration, please make sure they know what to expect.
If your children know what to expect it will be easier for them to be on their best behavior and to enjoy themselves. What should your children expect?

Your children will be called on stage by grade. Once on stage, each student will be called by name and receive a certificate and other awards achieved through APS. This year, medals will be given backstage and individually announced and worn on stage. If your young children would be more comfortable, a parent is welcome to be on stage with them.

Things to Remember about the June Promotion Celebration:
Richard and Cindee need your help identifying Special Achievements they should mention when your child’s name is called. If you don’t write it down, they won’t know to announce it. No phone calls please.
Please email a BRIEF list of MAJOR accomplishments to APS, by May 15; telling about your child’s special awards, achievements, etc. The list should be brief and specific.
If for any reason your student(s) is not able to attend, it is critical that you contact APS as far in advance as possible. Since all promotion certificates are alphabetized, one missing student will throw the whole group off sequence. We are looking for 100% participation. An absent fee of $25 per student applies.
Please have students dress appropriately and give yourself enough commute time.
The Promotion Celebration is a special evening reflecting our overall desire to “Celebrate Excellence”. Please make sure your students are dressed in keeping with the excellence of the evening.
The Celebration is also a wonderful opportunity to start your own traditions. Dads, how about taking the day off from work and honoring your wife for all her hard work. Or, perhaps you can take the family out for an early dinner. Remember Friday traffic is usually jam-packed. Give yourself time.

Our “Official Promotion Day Photographer” is once again APS-Dad Chris Steadman. Chris is a highly respected professional photographer. 8x10 group prints of your children and a data DVD of all backstage group photos and all on-stage candid photos are available for purchase. Please pre-order by coupon.
Photos will be taken “live” on stage and backstage during the Celebration. Candid photos will also be taken throughout the evening.

FILMED DVDs: The Celebration will also be professionally filmed (digitally). DVDs of the June Celebration are available for purchase, by coupon.
The Promotion Celebration will be held at Shepherd of the Hills Church.
Give yourself enough time to come early, get settled and get good seats All seats are on the ground floor. The reception following Commencement will be in the church patio area.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY
Bring your grade sheets and attendance sheets completed through the end of the 4th quarter. Deposit grade & attendance sheets in the APS mailboxes marked ‘GRADES’ or ‘ATTENDANCE’. Please DO NOT send grades or attendance sheets to your Happy Helper. Standard Late fees apply starting the day after the Celebration.
EVERYONE SHOULD HELP IN SOME WAY. Please help with refreshments + something else.
Please sign-up for at least one of the following (See coupons):
Backstage help during Celebration (we need lots of these helpers)
Refreshments / Reception (please bring refreshment plus help in another way)
Clean-up of facility (please see if your help is needed)
Here are some areas that need YOUR help:
Attendance Monitors (4);
Class Escorts (24);
Users (10);
Backstage Helpers (8);
Medal Distributors (2);
Bring Refreshments;
Set-Up Refreshments;
Serve Refreshments;
Clean-up Refreshments;
Stage/church clean-up;
Special talent;
The APS PROMOTION CELEBRATION will be held Fri. 06/10; Doors open at 6:30 pm.
Our annual promotion ceremony theme, Celebrate Excellence, is a reflection of each APS family. We come together to honor the hard work done by our students and teachers and acknowledge the accomplishments of both. Open to all family members.Please mail your helper, photo and DVD coupons ASAP, if you have not done so already.
To make the celebration a success we ask that each family pitch in and assist in one or more of the following:
1. Promotion Day Staging Team
led by: M. Mena, L. Bonaventura, and M. Lopez Halaby
The Back Stage Team is responsible for planning and directing the evening, scheduling talent, and coordinating promotion night activities involving YOUR CHILDREN. We need parents from all grade levels to act as guides for the children backstage. Have YOU ever helped to make it run smoothly? How about this year?
2. Promotion CHURCH Clean-Up Team
led by: Aubrie Land and Manori Hall
The Clean-up Team is responsible for going through the facility after the celebration, straighten it up and make it look like we were never there. The church, lobby, stage and backstage are especially important to tidy up.If you leave your purse or camera behind, the Clean-up Team gets to keep 'em. (not really)
3. Promotion Day Refreshments Team
led by: Scott and Jamie Meadows
The Refreshments Team is responsible for the coordination, preparation and presentation of our special refreshments. Providing goodies is part of it, but helping hands are needed to set out the food / drinks and help clean up.
4. Promotion RECEPTION Set-up & Clean-Up Team
led by: Scott and Jamie Meadows
The Set-up & Clean-Up Team is responsible for setting up the reception facility for the Celebration and returning the reception facility “back to normal”. Please help us say “thank you” to the church by doing a great clean-up job.
We look forward to have a tremendous June Promotion Celebration. APS Has The Best People In Town.