My Husband is at Work and a Shooter Came In.

On Wednesday, Dec 2, 2015, two radicalized Muslims, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, attacked employees of the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health as they celebrated a holiday luncheon.
Farook worked with the people he and his wife attacked. They killed 14 men and women and wounded at least 21 others.
Mike Wetzel was one of the victims of this terrorist attack. He was a Christian, a husband and the father of three boys and three girls.
This video shows him and his kids beginning Advent services at their church (Church of the Woods / Lake Arrowhead, CA) on Sunday. He was killed three days later.
His wife, Renee, is a stay at home mom.
On December 2, 2015 Renee wrote the following to friends: "Please pray. My husband was in a meeting and a shooter came in. There are multiple people dead/shot. I can't get a hold of him."
Approximately 8 grueling hours later, Renee learned that her husband Michael Raymond Wetzel had been killed.

She later wrote:
"Michael was the most amazing person. He was my best friend and an incredible father who was loved by all. I didn't know a better person. He loved his work and his family so very much. Without him, this family will never be the same. We appreciate all the love and support that everyone is showing. We ask that our privacy be respected during this terrible time. Thank you."
This is but one example. There are 13 other families whose loved ones will not be coming home.
Though the attackers were dressed in para-military gear, carried 2 assault rifles, 2 9mm semi-automatic handguns, over 1,600 rounds of ammunition and pipe bombs (with much more found later at their home) President Obama was reluctant to call this a terrorist attack. He said it could be “workplace violence”. Incredible!
The FBI has now opened a counterterrorism investigation.