Re-Enrollment - NOW

It is time to make your plans for
APS re-enrollment!
We have streamlined the April Workshop, but YOU will need to do a little preparation at home.
Prior to the April Workshop, you received a One-Step
Re-Enrollment Form made just for your family. We e-mailed it to you. We ask that you complete the One-Step Re-Enrollment Form BEFORE the April Workshop so we can save time at the meeting.
This is true even for those graduating their last senior as well as those not returning to APS for any other reason (we will miss you).
Please bring the completed form and a check for next year’s tuition.
Early planning will help you prepare your finances so you can get the 20/20 discount.
Tuition checks must be included with your One-Step Re-Enrollment Form.
At the meeting, you will need to update a few other forms.
In order for you to complete re-enrollment you will be asked to update:
Medical Record updates If records have changed provide copies of your child’s immunization records that can be left with us. This is VERY IMPORTANT!!!!
Proof of Tdap immunization is required ONLY for 6th grade students, if not previously provided
The State of California requires Tdap immunization after the child’s 7th birthday.
Your e-mail address
Name, date of birth, and grade level of any children you wish to enroll for the first time. (Not yet sure? Pray, talk it over with your spouse, decide. It is better to decide now than later.)
Your checkbook (tuition)
New phone and address, if they have or will be changing.
New insurance or employment info.
At the April Workshop you will be asked to:
Turn in your updated One-step Re- enrollment form and your tuition check.
Update, initial and date health forms, emergency forms, etc. which we will provide:
Emergency Health
Enrollment Waiver
Standards of Behavior (new signed form required for 7th graders)
Health Info form
Verify Student Name (Important for June Celebration. Check spelling for each of your students’ names).
Get blank forms in the FORMS section of the website, as needed.
We are looking forward to a very smooth and efficient April Workshop.
Thank you for your help.