Language Arts Just Got FUNNER

Language Arts just got FUNNER (Yes, I know that’s incorrect, but it’s true).
Below are links to three songs you might want to teach your kids.
Shhhhhh – don’t tell them the songs will help them learn to read and pronounce hard words like “Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia”, “Tarantulas” and “Koala”
Warning – they will sing the songs, non-stop, whenever you are driving anywhere;
especially on long trips!
– OK – I warned you.
Just click: The Long Word Song
The Long Word Song (Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia) is a funny song by Bryant Oden. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (Hippo poto monstroses quiped alio phobia) is a real word that means fear of long words.
Other funny songs for kids by Bryant Oden include Tarantulas and Paula the Koala (see below). LYRICS to The Long Word Song: I’ve been afraid of big words since I was a kid I thought that I’d get over it somehow I never did Usually it’s no big deal but every now and then You’re audaciously loquacious (ahh!) it kicks in again I went to a specialist and said what’s wrong with me Based upon your test results, it’s not hard to see You’re afraid of lengthy words you’re not the only one Here’s what your condition’s called but this won’t be much fun Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia If you’re afraid it’s no big deal, here’s one you should know-a Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia I’m not even joking, no I kid you not Though it’s absurd that’s the word I don’t like it a lot There’s one thing I know for sure so listen if you please Whoever came up with the word did not have the disease [Chorus] I was in my science class when I started screaming It was cuz of a video the teacher was streaming It was about a lung disease I hope they all get better But whoever named it gave it way too many letters I mean really who would name a disease Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Not very sensitive to people who have [chorus] [chorus]
Just click: The Tarantula Song
Tarantulas (The Tarantula Song) is another funny Songdrops song by Bryant Oden
LYRICS to The Tarantula Song: Tarantulas tarantulas Everybody loves tarantulas If there's just fuzz where your hamster was It's probably because of tarantulas They're so soft and their so furry And they're so cute if your visions blurry all of mine got free but don't you worry Though they're crawling up your wall in a big hurry Tarantulas tarantulas Everybody loves tarantulas If there's just fuzz where your hamster was It's probably because of tarantulas Can you feel that itch on the top of your head It could be one of them crawling instead But it won't bite unless it senses fear So just stay calm 'til it's gone in a year Tarantulas tarantulas Everybody loves tarantulas If there's just fuzz where your hamster was It's probably because of tarantulas
Just click: Paula the Koala
Paula the Koala is yet another funny Songdrops song by Bryant Oden
LYRICS to Paula the Koala: Paula the koala She moved to Guatemala Cuz she heard the trees there were a little taller Turned out they were smaller So she moved to lake Eufuala Then to Walla Walla Washington So if you live in Walla Walla And you see a koala You can bet your bottom dollar That koala's name is Paula Paula the koala Who lives in walla walla Walla walla Washington She's cute She's kind She;s the coolest marsupial that you could ever find She's sweet She's smart She's a smalla with a great big heart