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We're engaged; NOW WHAT?

Couple in Sunglasses

We're engaged! It was amazing – so unexpected; well, not really unexpected; But, it is so fantastic, so incredible and so (to be honest) scary. What do we do now? We have so much to do. Where do we get started?

The wedding; how do we plan the wedding? (Reality can set in very quickly – get used to it.)

After everything calms down a bit, most engaged couples realize they have a lot of work to do, including planning the wedding. It can be fun. It is certainly exciting, but there can be a thousand questions about how to plan a wedding and how to keep from spending too much money.

This is exactly why I developed The MONEY DRAGON Wedding Budget Tool© To be honest; I wrote it for my daughter’s wedding. Being somewhat traditional, I told my daughter and her fiancé that I would be happy to pay for the wedding. What was I thinking? (Ummmm… Can I have a do-over? Not a chance!)

I developed The MONEY DRAGON Wedding Budget Tool© to keep our wedding expenses from spiraling out of control and to keep tensions about money to a minimum.

It worked – We were able to have a beautiful outdoor June wedding (on the HOTEST day ever recorded in our city – 114 degrees!) Well, you can’t control everything, but you can control your expenses.

The MONEY DRAGON Wedding Budget Tool© has about 100 budget Line Items for things that are often part of the cost of a wedding and sometimes forgotten until it is too late. You can use

The MONEY DRAGON Wedding Budget Tool© to avoid big financial surprises on your Big Day. The last thing you want to do is walk down that aisle worrying about paying for your wedding.

By entering the Expected Cost and Actual Cost for each line item, you should have an accurate and ongoing picture of your wedding expenses. You might even be reminded of things you want to include but haven’t thought about yet. The best part is that you can get The MONEY DRAGON Wedding Budget

Tool© for FREE.

Just visit and click the download button.

Congratulations. Have a great wedding and an even greater marriage!

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