APS Home School
Welcome to the APS / LIBERTAS Transition Page
are dedicated to giving our children an ADVANTAGE in PREPARING them for life. That advantage includes high academic, moral, and spiritual standards.
As a private Christian school, APS encourages an integration of biblical values into daily school activities. In fact, the study of the Bible is an APS requirement.
APS is founded upon the tri-pillars of Knowledge, Truth, and Freedom, as is reflected in our key verse, John 8:32:
'You shall KNOW the truth
and the TRUTH shall set you FREE.'

We further believe that a superior education is essential in today's society and that a college or university degree is the norm rather than the exception. Toward this end we assume that most, if not all, of our students will plan on furthering their education at the college or university level.
We would encourage all parent/teachers to be pro-active in providing their students with as much experience and exposure to real life careers as is possible. It is our contention that the more a student is exposed to 'the real world' the better he/she will be able to grasp and apply the lessons of the "academic world."