APS Home School
Welcome to the APS / LIBERTAS Transition Page
Students are not considered enrolled until the following requirements are met.
• Completion of APS Enrollment Form. (Mail as early as possible, beginning April 15)
• Completion of all other APS forms*.
• Completion/Transfer of all health forms required by the State of California.
• Confirmed membership in HSLDA (Group Discount rate is available. The APS HSLDA Group Discount number is 292124)
• Receipt of Registration Fee, Insurance Surcharge and at least one month's tuition per student.
• Proof of current membership in Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
Membership in the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is required for each family enrolling in APS.
Families should join HSLDA using the Group Discount rate. Your students will not be considered enrolled in APS until current
membership in HSLDA has been confirmed.
* All forms must be submitted in time to be completely processed by July 31.
(Educational Expectations, Lesson Plans, Emergency Health, Transfer of Records, APS Health Info, HSLDA, Enrollment Waiver,
Standards of Behavior and Dress, etc.)
APS publishes a yearly school calendar of Special Events and is available to help answer questions.
APS has a Curriculum Director, a Sports Team Manager, and a Field Trip coordinator.
Educational workshops are held each quarter and a special Orientation meeting is held each September.
These resources are helpful as parents plan their school year.
APS has only 4 mandatory parent meetings per year:
1. Sep. Parents' Orientation
2. Nov. 1st Quarterly Parents' Workshop
3. Jan. 2nd Quarterly Parents' Workshop
4. Apr. 3rd Quarterly Parents' Workshop
Plus a mandatory Graduation Celebration the in June.