APS Home School
Welcome to the APS / LIBERTAS Transition Page
APS does not require a particular curriculum for all students. Instead, we encourage parent/teachers to match the child's abilities, academic level, learning styles, etc. with professionally published curriculum.
We encourage parent/teachers to customize their curriculum and activities so that their children may proceed at the rate best suited to their needs and abilities.
Professional educational testing is often very helpful in determining what is best for a child.
Online Learning Style Assessments can be obtained by clicking
Curriculum choices are often made with long term goals in mind, including requirements for high school graduation and requirements for college admission.
Note: In 2007 the California Regents changed the requirements for admission to UC universities.
In addition to traditional admission requirements like Foreign language - 2 years, English - 4 years;
Mathematics - 3 years; Laboratory Science - 2 years; History - 2 years, etc. it is now required that High School students have earned 10 units in the same Fine Arts discipline (Visual and Performing Art), in two consecutive semesters.
Earning 5 units in oil painting and 5 units in watercolor painting in the same academic year would fulfill
this requirement.
Earning 5 units in voice and 5 units in ceramics in the same academic year would not fulfill this requirement.
Studies in Fine Arts should take this change into account.
There are a great many professionally published curricula available today.
There is no easy answer to the question Which curriculum should I use? However, we do have a few suggestions as to where you might begin.
First, review the Educational Expectations portion of the Enrollment Packet and the Course of Study section of the APS Survival Guide. You will not be able to complete the Educational Expectations form until you choose your materials, but the form will help focus your thinking.
Second, become familiar with curriculum reference books. A number have been published specifically on family-based education. (See Sample List of Publishers)
Third, talk to other home-schoolers and consult with the APS Curriculum Director. They may even have used curriculum which you might purchase at a reduced rate.
Fourth, use the Sample List of Publishers to become familiar with publishers and educational bookstores.
Order free catalogs online to further explore your options.
The APS Survival Guide lists curriculum related resources.
The list is only a sample. Inclusion in the list does not constitute an endorsement by APS. Likewise, exclusion of any publisher or book does not imply disapproval.
Fifth, call the APS office. APS has made arrangements with experienced teachers who are themselves family-based educators. These teachers are willing to assist you for a fee.