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After your enrollment form has been accepted and you are admitted to APS the following

needs to be turned in to the APS office no later than July 31. 

Forms are required of all APS families as noted below:

All Students: 

                                                       (1 week per student)
                                                       (1 form per student)​

           signed or initialed/dated by all returning parents (usually at April Workshop)
           signed or initialed/dated by all returning students in grades 7-12
           (especially 6th graders who have just promoted into Jr. High)

​                   The APS HSLDA GROUP DISCOUNT NUMBER is 292124

​     ​All families MUST provide current proof of                  membership regardless of renewal date. Throughout the    

     year you are responsible to renew before your membership expires, but by JULY 31 we need to see that you

     are CURRENTLY a member.

New Students  In addition to the above:




          signed/dated by all new parents
          signed/dated by all new students in grades 7-12

12th grade students:

                                                completed for grades 9-12

Completing the Enrollment Process

APS Home School Admissions Process


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