APS Home School
Welcome to the APS / LIBERTAS Transition Page
Open Enrollment for admission to APS officially begins April 15 and closes July 15, at the latest.
Enrollment is often full by early June.
To start, complete the brief enrollment form and mail it to APS with your tuition payment.
Families often contact the APS office in April to get on our waiting list. This is good because,
in the past, APS has had to deny enrollment to some who contacted the office too late.
You may mail your enrollment form as early as April 15. We process enrollment forms in the
order they are received. Returning families have priority. After completeing re-enrollment of
returning families, APS then processes enrollment forms of new families.
After your enrollment form has been accepted and you are admitted to APS
a series of forms must be provided to the APS office.
Completing the enrollment process takes time.
Enrolling families must complete all forms and provide them to APS so that they are COMPLETELY PROCESSED no later than July 31.
ALL FORMS MUST BE PROCESSED BY APS BY JULY 31. PLEASE DON’T WAIT! The process takes several weeks. Please begin as early as possible. You might want to download the enrollment packet now just to give yourself as much time as possible.
How To Enroll (click link for forms)
Step 1. Complete
Step 2. Review
Step 3. Complete
Step 4. Review APS Survival Guide (provided after Step 3)