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Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Donoghue

Tom and Peggy O’Donoghue have been married since Valentine’s Day, 1987.  Tom has worked in the mortgage industry since 1987.  They have four children, all of whom have been homeschooled with APS since 1997. Their oldest son joined APS in first grade.  Their other children all enrolled in APS as Kindergarteners and graduated thirteen years later.

Their first son graduated in 2009. He entered the US military as part of the ROTC and is also an active member of the California National Guard. APS is recognized by all branches of the US Armed Services as a Tier 1 school.

Their second son graduated in 2010 and is currently serving as an assistant youth pastor at Shepherd of the Hills Church and a full time student at Hope University.

Their third son graduated from APS in 2012 and is currently attending college.
Their daughter is part of the APS Class of 2014. She is currently taking college classes while concurrently enrolled in APS. 

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